Submit a project for

Building & Architecture

The built environment can have an immense influence on our shared experience when driven by human-centric, environmentally sustainable and innovative thinking. With the help of cutting-edge spatial design and architecture, fitted uniquely into coliving’s core pillars of community, sustainability and wellbeing, this specialist real estate model is becoming the face of the future of real estate itself – and its designs are some of the biggest creative engines behind that movement. This category will award the builders, developers, architects and spatial designers that are taking the leaps needed to create the future-proof shared living homes our world so desperately needs.

Application Criteria

For whom?

Developers, builders, architects, design studios, spatial designers, in-house design teams


  1. Efficient construction and development phases and successful opening(s): your building is already in operations and you can prove occupancy, or your design is currently under construction and will be opening in 2024.
  2. Use of innovative/sustainable materials: building materials consider leading sustainability certifications and use state of the art sustainability technologies / materials.
  3. Building includes property and construction technology integrations: the building uses technology to enhance operations and sustainability.
  4. Fosters wellbeing and community: the building design incorporates elements of biophilia, wellbeing design and social interaction techniques.
  5. Building includes spaces open to the public: your building has communal spaces that are open to local neighbours and community groups.


Below we have summarised the deliverables for your application. Please also make sure to download the application guide and presentation template by following the buttons below to make sure you read all necessary information to have a successful Coliving Awards entry. Note that every category has its own application guide!

1. Presentation including:

  • Name
  • Organisation
  • Logo (if applicable)
  • Details about specific project / site / product in English
  • Responses to questions in the application guide and additional resources requested in the eligibility and evaluation criteria, such as data on planning, budgeting, development, timelines and user metrics when applicable
  • Presentation should be max 20 slides / pages and in PDF format (16:9 horizontal format). Please see the presentation template below for reference

2. High level summary of your project submission in the Application portal and answer to all application questions.

3. Supporting images / renders (in high resolution JPG / PNG -> 150 dpi) in ZIP format** (max 10 images). Files to be named in the following format " organisation-projectname-image# “

4. Representative project image (max 10 MB) to be used as a thumbnail in the application portal and other relevant communication from Coliving Awards about your project

5. It should be clear that your project meets the criteria for this category

Submission Form

Realised Impact:

Provide examples of coliving projects in your investment portfolio that are currently operational. How has your investment directly contributed to the growth and success of these projects What factors influenced your decision to invest in these specific projects?

Strategic Vision:

Describe the investment firm's strategic approach to funding coliving projects. How does the investment, including any joint ventures or multiple company participation, align with the long-term growth and sustainability of the shared living sector?

Community Focus:

How does the investment prioritise community development, social impact, and resident well-being within coliving spaces? Provide examples of initiatives supported by the investment, including any joint ventures or multiple company participation, that enhance the community experience for residents.


How does the investment support innovative coliving concepts, technologies, or business models? What role do you play in driving the success of the investment portfolio, including any joint ventures or multiple company participation?


How does the investment incorporate sustainable practices and environmental considerations into coliving projects and operations? Share examples of sustainable initiatives funded by the investment, including any joint ventures or multiple company participation, that contribute to environmental stewardship and resource efficiency.

Relevant & in operations:

How does your shared living business and brand stand out from the rest? How has this resulted in strong occupancy rates and customer satisfaction? How has your brand successfully scaled its operations while maintaining relevance and quality across multiple locations? How is your brand fostering long-term innovation, impact and consolidation within the wider shared living and real estate sectors? What strategies have contributed to your brand's ability to grow and adapt within the shared living sector?

Branding & marketing:

What is / what has been your marketing, communications and branding process and strategy as it relates to scaling operations? What are some of the innovative marketing, communications and branding techniques you use as a shared living brand? How do you ensure consistent messaging and brand identity across various locations and expansion phases?

Spatial design & architecture:

What are the innovative / sustainable building, design, construction and technology methods used for your building(s) and in particular to support the expansion of your coliving portfolio? How does your spatial design foster wellbeing, social interaction and community engagement? How do you approach design and construction to facilitate scalable growth while prioritising sustainability and resident comfort?

Impact & sustainability:

How do you embed social, environmental and economic impact into your shared living business, operations and community management? How does your shared living brand and community engage with local communities / neighbours? How does your business measure and report on its impact and sustainability?

User & community experience:

How do you foster authentic engagement, social interaction and a strong user and community experience between residents, and in particular as you scale operations? How do you measure customer satisfaction, resident engagement and user and community experience? Please provide us with specific user data and insights (e.g. impact measures, testimonials, NPS scores, referral rates, retention rates, etc.)

Relevant & in operations:

How does your shared living business and brand stand out from the rest? How has this resulted in strong occupancy rates and customer satisfaction? How is your brand fostering long-term innovation, impact and consolidation within the wider shared living and real estate sectors?

Branding & marketing:

What is / what has been your marketing, communications and branding process and strategy? What are some of the innovative marketing, communications and branding techniques you use as a shared living brand?

Spatial design & architecture:

What are the innovative / sustainable building, design, construction and technology methods used for your building(s)? How does your spatial design foster wellbeing, social interaction and community engagement?

Impact & sustainability:

How do you embed social, environmental and economic impact into your shared living business, operations and community management? How does your shared living brand and community engage with local communities / neighbours? How does your business measure and report on its impact and sustainability? 

User & community experience:

How do you foster authentic engagement, social interaction and a strong user and community experience between residents? How do you measure customer satisfaction, resident engagement and user and community experience? Please provide us with specific user data and insights (e.g. impact measures, testimonials, NPS scores, referral rates, retention rates, etc.)

Relevant & in operations:

How does your rural coliving brand and community reflect the interests and needs of those seeking a rural living experience, including digital nomads, remote workers, and those interested in regenerative living?

Branding & marketing:

What is your rural coliving brand's marketing, communications, and branding process and strategy? What innovative techniques do you use to effectively communicate and promote the benefits of rural coliving and regenerative practices?

Spatial design & architecture:

What innovative and / or regenerative building, design, construction, and technology methods do you use for your rural coliving building(s)? How does your spatial design foster placemaking, wellbeing, social interaction, and community engagement in a rural setting?

Impact & sustainability:

How do you embed social, environmental, and economic impact and sustainability into your rural coliving business, operations, and community management? How do you engage with local communities and neighbours to promote positive relationships and mutual benefit? How do you measure and report on your impact, regenerative and sustainability efforts?

User & community experience:

How do you foster authentic engagement, social interaction, and a strong user and community experience between residents in a rural setting? How do you measure customer satisfaction, resident engagement, and user and community experience in your rural coliving community? Please provide specific user data and insights such as impact measures, testimonials, NPS scores, referral rates, and retention rates.

Services are currently and efficiently being provided to shared living developers, operators or other:

How have your clients and their users responded to your product / service? Please provide client qualitative / quantitative data and testimonials when possible.


How would you describe the needs of your clients and their users / residents and how does your product / service add value and respond to those needs?

Product / service enhances development efficiency:

How does your product / service support the development process? What is the impact of your product / service in relation to project optimisation? Share any relevant processes or implemented automations during the development phase.

Product / service is easily integratable with other systems and is scalable:

How does your ConTech product or service facilitate integration with other systems and ensure scalability? Can you provide examples or case studies of successful integrations with partner products or services?

Product / service fosters innovation, impact and consolidation within the coliving sector:

What are the technological innovations that your product / service provides? How is your product / service fostering long-term innovation, impact and consolidation within the wider shared living and real estate sectors?

Relevance & innovation:

What are the values, mission and vision behind your new shared living product / brand? How is your new product / brand fostering long-term innovation, impact and consolidation within the wider shared living and real estate sectors? What kind of ideation, business development and strategic processes are you using to develop your new shared living product / brand?

Collaborations & partnerships:

What kind of partnerships and collaborations are you developing to cater to your new product's / brand's B2B and B2C needs? Please provide any examples / case studies when possible.

Spatial design & architecture:

What are the innovative / sustainable building, design, construction and technology methods that are being considered for your building(s)? How does your spatial design foster wellbeing, social interaction and community engagement?

Branding & marketing:

What is / what has been your marketing, communications and branding process and strategy? What are some of the innovative marketing, communications and branding techniques you use as an emerging coliving brand?

Impact & sustainability:

How are you embedding impact, sustainability, community and wellbeing into the core of your brand, business, design, experience and operations? How will you measure and report on your social, environmental and economic impact?

Relevant & in operations:

How would you best describe your project’s ‘blend’ and its contribution to impact, innovation and consolidation in the shared living and specialist real estate sectors?

Capacity for different usages that enhance living experience for residents and locals:

How do you foster authentic engagement, social interaction and a strong user and community experience between residents and with local communities / neighbours? How does your spatial design, architecture and operations facilitate these experiences?

Diversity of user demographics and psychographics:

How does your blended living brand and community reflect a variety of user interests and needs? Please provide user data on the diversity of your community when possible.

Branding & marketing:

What is / what has been your marketing, communications and branding process and strategy? What are some of the innovative marketing, communications and branding techniques you use as a blended living brand?

Building sustainability, financial viability, operational efficiency, resident engagement and wellbeing:

How do you embed environmental, economic and social impact and sustainability into your brand, business, design, experience and operations? How do you measure impact, sustainability, customer satisfaction, resident engagement and user and community experience? Please provide us with specific user data and insights (e.g. impact measures, testimonials, NPS scores, referral rates, retention rates, etc.)

Relevant & in operations:

How does your senior coliving brand and community reflect the interests and needs of seniors?

Branding & marketing:

What is / what has been your marketing, communications and branding process and strategy? What are some of the innovative marketing, communications and branding techniques you use as a senior coliving brand?

Spatial design & architecture:

What are the innovative / sustainable building, design, construction and technology methods used for your building(s)? How does your spatial design foster wellbeing, social interaction and community engagement?

Impact & sustainability:

How do you embed social, environmental and economic impact into your senior coliving business, operations and community management? How does your senior coliving brand and community engage with local communities / neighbours? How does your business measure and report on its impact and sustainability?

User & community experience:

How do you foster authentic engagement, social interaction and a strong user and community experience between residents? How do you measure customer satisfaction, resident engagement and user and community experience? Please provide us with specific user data and insights (e.g. impact measures, testimonials, NPS scores, referral rates, retention rates, etc.)

Relevant & in operations:

How does your nomad coliving brand and community reflect the interests and needs of digital nomads and remote workers?

Branding & marketing:

What is / what has been your marketing, communications and branding process and strategy? What are some of the innovative marketing, communications and branding techniques you use as a nomad coliving brand?

Spatial design & architecture:

What are the innovative / sustainable building, design, construction and technology methods used for your building(s)? How does your spatial design foster wellbeing, social interaction and community engagement?

Impact & sustainability:

How do you embed social, environmental and economic impact into your nomad coliving business, operations and community management? How does your nomad coliving brand and community engage with local communities / neighbours? How does your business measure and report on its impact and sustainability?

User & community experience:

How do you foster authentic engagement, social interaction and a strong user and community experience between residents? How do you measure customer satisfaction, resident engagement and user and community experience? Please provide us with specific user data and insights (e.g. impact measures, testimonials, NPS scores, referral rates, retention rates, etc.)

Relevant & in operations:

How does your student coliving brand and community reflect the interests and needs of students?

Branding & marketing:

What is / what has been your marketing, communications and branding process and strategy? What are some of the innovative marketing, communications and branding techniques you use as a student coliving brand?

Spatial design & architecture:

What are the innovative / sustainable building, design, construction and technology methods used for your building? How does your spatial design foster wellbeing, social interaction and community engagement?

Impact & sustainability:

How do you embed social, environmental and economic impact into your student coliving business, operations and community management? How does your student coliving brand and community engage with local communities / neighbours? How does your business measure and report on its impact and sustainability?

User & community experience:

How do you foster authentic engagement, social interaction and a strong user and community experience between residents? How do you measure customer satisfaction, resident engagement and user and community experience? Please provide us with specific user data and insights (e.g. impact measures, testimonials, NPS scores, referral rates, retention rates, etc.)


How does your marketplace / platform cater to the needs of the shared living sector and its users? What makes your marketplace / platform stand out compared to others in the shared living sector?

Curation process:

How do you curate coliving communities onto your marketplace / platform and what are the criteria to do so? What are the criteria for B2C curation?

Integrated features:

What additional features does your marketplace / platform provide and how can it integrate into other technologies when necessary? What integration features are available with your marketplace / platform? Please provide any examples / case studies of such integrations with other partners / products / tools.

International reach:

In which countries does your marketplace / platform operate? How is your marketplace / platform fostering long-term innovation, impact and consolidation within the wider shared living and real estate sectors?

User experience:

What is the user experience of your marketplace / platform and how do you facilitate booking and discovery processes for colivers and shared living communities?

Relevance & innovation:

How do you define coliving / shared living? How does your research / project reflect the ethos of shared living? What is an innovative / groundbreaking finding from your research / project?

Structured & well presented:

How would you explain your research / project in an abstract format (1-2 paragraphs max)? Please ensure that your presentation is well structured and that it includes any relevant resources, indexes and conclusions from your research / project.


What was the methodology used for your research / project?

Validation & viability:

How can your research / project be useful for coliving operators, city planners, real estate developers and / or other actors in the industry?

Impact & sustainability:

How does your research / project support the integration of social, environmental and economic impact into the core of shared living projects?

1) How does your initiative foster impact and innovation within the coliving sector?
2) What is your aim / goal in regards to supporting evolution of the coliving sector?
3) How do you see the coliving sector evolving in the next decade?

1) How does your content drive innovation and consolidation within the coliving sector?
2) What is your aim when publishing content within the coliving sector?
3) Please provide any audience feedback / testimonials when possible.

Relevant & in operations:

How does your shared living business and brand stand out from the rest? How has this resulted in strong occupancy rates and customer satisfaction? How is your brand fostering long-term innovation, impact and consolidation within the wider shared living and real estate sectors?

Branding & marketing:

What is / what has been your marketing, communications and branding process and strategy? What are some of the innovative marketing, communications and branding techniques you use as a shared living brand?

Spatial design & architecture:

What are the innovative / sustainable building, design, construction and technology methods used for your building(s)? How does your spatial design foster wellbeing, social interaction and community engagement?

Impact & sustainability:

How do you embed social, environmental and economic impact into your shared living business, operations and community management? How does your shared living brand and community engage with local communities / neighbours? How does your business measure and report on its impact and sustainability?

User & community experience:

How do you foster authentic engagement, social interaction and a strong user and community experience between residents? How do you measure customer satisfaction, resident engagement and user and community experience? Please provide us with specific user data and insights (e.g. impact measures, testimonials, NPS scores, referral rates, retention rates, etc.)

Realised Projects:

Provide examples of coliving projects that have been completed and are currently in operation. How have these projects contributed to the advancement of the shared living industry?

Innovative Design & Construction:

What innovative design elements or construction techniques were implemented in your coliving developments? How did these innovations enhance the overall living experience for residents?


Describe the sustainable features and practices incorporated into your coliving projects. How do these sustainability initiatives contribute to the environmental performance and long-term viability of your projects?

Community Integration:

How do you design coliving spaces to promote community interaction and social cohesion among residents and the local neighbourhood? Provide examples of amenities or communal areas that facilitate resident engagement and well-being. Describe initiatives that promote integration within the neighbourhood and connection to the local community.

Impact & Vision:

What is your vision for the future of shared living, and how does it inform your development projects? Share examples of how your coliving developments have positively impacted the communities in which they are located.

Services are currently and efficiently being provided to shared living operators:

How have your clients and their users responded to your product / tool? Please provide client qualitative / quantitative data and testimonials when possible.


How would you describe the needs of your clients and their users / residents and how does your product / tool add value and respond to those needs?

Product / tool enhances operational efficiency:

How does your product / tool enhance user and community experience, operational efficiency, optimisations and sustainability?

Product / tool is easily integrable with other systems and is scalable:

What integration features are available with your product / tool? Please provide any examples / case studies of such integrations with other partners / products / tools.

Product / tool fosters innovation, impact and consolidation within the coliving sector:

What are the technological innovations that your product / tool provides? How is your product / tool fostering long-term innovation, impact and consolidation within the wider shared living and real estate sectors?

Impact strategy and measurement tools in place:

How do you embed social, environmental and economic impact into your shared living business, designs, operations and community experience? Please provide quantitative and qualitative data when possible, including your existing impact framework / metrics / model.

Sustainable behaviour change strategies / campaigns:

What are some of the sustainable behaviour change strategies / campaigns you have in place? How do these positively impact staff, residents and locals? Please provide customer qualitative / quantitative data and testimonials when possible.

Building design and sustainability:

What are the sustainable building and construction methods you have in place?

Operational sustainability:

What kind of infrastructure and technologies do you use to ensure your operations are sustainable, streamlined and effective? What tools and measures are available to ensure sustainable practices for your residents, staff and wider ecosystem?

Environmental, economic and social impact on surrounding neighbourhood:

How do you engage with and positively impact local communities and neighbours? Please share any impact / sustainability stories that involve local communities into your shared living community.

Strong stakeholder engagement:

How do you foster an environment of community, ownership and safety for residents, staff and locals? How does your community engage with its local environment / neighbours? Please provide any case studies / community stories when possible.

User and community experience (UCX):

What are the innovative user and community strategies / activities you are using to enhance engagement and how are you measuring and reporting those strategies / activities? What measures do you have in place in order to improve your community experience?

Proven customer satisfaction metrics:

How do you measure customer satisfaction and resident engagement? Please provide us with specific user data and insights when possible (e.g. testimonials, NPS scores, etc.).

Proven referrals and retention rates:

What programmes do you have in place in order to increase retention rates and support strong brand ambassadors? Please provide us with specific user data and insights (e.g. referrals, retention rates, testimonials, etc.)

Personal and professional growth:

How do you facilitate the personal and professional growth of your residents, staff and locals? How do you facilitate conflict amongst residents and residents and staff when it arises? Please provide specific examples / initiatives / case studies when possible.

Brand recognition and reach:

What is / what has been your marketing, communications and branding process and strategy? What are some of the innovative marketing, communications and branding techniques you use as a shared living brand? Please provide audience metrics when possible.


How are you taking into consideration the feedback of your audience to continuously shape your branding and marketing strategies? How are your users influencing your shared living brand? Please share your values and how your future / current users have influenced these.

Strong brand identity:

How does your visual language represent your brand values, mission and vision? How does your shared living brand enhance user and community experience? Please provide any qualitative and quantitative data / metrics when possible.


How do you use your branding elements / marketing campaigns to interact and engage with your communities (B2C and B2B)? How do these campaigns also facilitate interaction between your users / communities? Please provide engagement metrics when possible.

Innovative and timeless approach to branding and communications:

How is your brand fostering long-term innovation, impact and consolidation within the wider shared living and real estate sectors?

Innovative manufacturing and design process:

How is your product / design cost effective and financially sustainable in the long-term? What is its manufacturing system / design process?

Use of innovative / sustainable materials:

How have you incorporated elements of sustainability, biophilia, circular design and/or modularity into your product / design?

Fosters interaction / productivity / creativity:

How does your product / design foster wellbeing and community? Please provide case studies on how your product / design has enabled interaction / productivity / creativity in shared living communities.

Scalability & durability:

How does your product / design consider long-term durability, sustainability and scalability? What are some of the metrics you are using to measure these aspects?

Comfort & personalisation:

What has been the proven impact of your product / design on residents, staff and locals? Please provide any qualitative and quantitative data / metrics possible into how your product / design fosters a sense of ownership, pride, identity, comfort and wellbeing amongst users.

Efficient construction and development phases and successful opening(s):

Was your building delivered on budget and within the timeline? Did you successfully open your building with full operational capacities and strong occupancy rates? Please provide any planning / budgeting materials when possible. If a building is still under construction please provide development and budget timelines.

Use of innovative/sustainable materials:

What makes your coliving building / architecture stand out? How are you using sustainable and innovative construction materials? Please list these materials, their applications and how they contribute to innovative building and architecture methods.

Building includes property and construction technology integrations:

What were the innovative building, design, construction and technology methods used for your building? Please list these technologies and their applications.

Fosters wellbeing and community:

How does your project foster wellbeing and community? Please provide specific features and case studies where applicable.

Building includes spaces open to the public:

How will you assess / how are you assessing the impact of your building on your staff, residents and locals? Please provide any qualitative and quantitative data / metrics when possible.

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